Get ready to radically transform your health and wellness with a holistic approach.

I’m a certified health coach based in Calgary, Canada supporting clients globally. I go beyond weight loss support and can help you uncover the real reasons you’re feeling stuck in your health journey.

You’ve been navigating your weight loss and wellness journey on your own for long enough.

What’s holding you back from achieving your health goals? You’ve done the research; you’ve tried all the diets. You know what you should be doing to live a healthy life…but for some reason you’re just not able to do it consistently even though you want it so badly.

It’s OK to admit that what you’re doing to manage your weight and live healthier just isn’t working.

You’re not alone.

I get it. I’ve been where you are, and even though I successfully changed my lifestyle and ultimately lost the weight, for years I was stuck in a vicious cycle of weight loss/weight gain and I did have horrible sleep habits ones that caused me to make poor nutrition choices.

I finally broke this cycle and I want to help you do the same because what you’re working through

IS solvable.

It’s my mission as a certified health coach and accountability coach to help you discover what is holding you back and keeping you stuck in the cycle of dieting and self-sabotage. Together, we will go beyond weight loss support and accountability coaching and get to the bottom of why you’re able to be “good” most of the time but end up falling off track. It’s not because you just love ice cream too much, I promise!

Throughout the process we will make small, sustainable changes to radically transform your relationship with food!

Choose a program bellow to see how I can help you

Start Here

Curiosity Call

A complimentary free 30 minute coaching session where I speak to you-personally.

5 Day Challenge

A 5-day challenge where you ditch the rut and find your groove in less than 5 days!

21 Day Challenge

Stop falling prey to emotional eating and start a new way to lose that weight

Group Coaching

Ever wondered how you can build your dream body

even if you have tried everything?

More than 21,000 people agree that I am different

Mike Evans

I would recommend Glenn's coaching to anyone wanting to make an improvement in their life..

Glenn speaks out

Watch my videos

I tune in on my channel every Tuesday at 6pm (MDT)


Let's face it—no matter how much we'd like to be as fit and healthy as possible, a lot of us tend to let our own laziness get in the way.

It's easy to feel motivated when you're starting a new routine and everything is fresh and exciting.

But once you've been doing the same thing for a while, the work can start feeling repetitive and tedious. The thought of heading to the gym or spending another hour on the elliptical can start to make you feel like you'll never see results if you keep going at your current pace.



What if I told you that you could look better naked without having to resort to plastic surgery?

Or even better, what if I could show you how to do it without any of those invasive procedures?

It may sound too good to be true, but it's actually possible by using just your body and food.

To help us get started on our quest for the best way to look better naked without surgery, we'll take a look at three methods that are proven and easy to use.



There are a lot of supplements out there. In fact, it's almost impossible to keep track of them all—even if you're on top of your health food game. And because they're not regulated by the FDA, what you see on the label may not be exactly what you get in the bottle—or be nothing at all.

In order to help make sense of it all, we've identified four supplements that will really leave your body feeling better than ever. These are staples that everyone should be taking, so even if you've been wary of popping pills (and who can blame you?), now's the time to reconsider.


You’ve tried dieting a million times. Now try something different.

Here are my top 4 supplements I would highly suggest

Glenn's Recommendations

Maintain eyesight, skin, immune function, bones, teeth and night vision with Vitamin K2, A, and D3. The combination of vitamins K and D has been shown to significantly increase bone mineral density (BMD) better than either alone.

A source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 helps support cardiovascular health and cognitive.

Quality verified by IFOS (International Fish Oil Standards)

It contains a superior dose of chelated magnesium glycinate, one of the most bioavailable forms of magnesium on the market. Since magnesium fuels 300 bodily processes every day, it’s essential for keeping things humming!



Ted Anderson

It’s just not a workout, it’s a lifestyle change. Coach Glenn helps develop better habits both physically and mentally . Glenn is a tremendous coach and his willingness to share his knowledge is AMAZING.


Mike Evans

I joined in hopes of just improving my overall conditioning. What I got from was way more!

My conditioning improved, my strength improved….my clothes fit better. More importantly I learned about how to improve myself.


Ken Moen

I’m very happy with my progress. My wife & Kids have noticed and the kids are quick to point out should the old habits start to creep back in. Being held accountable helps tremendously.

Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved

Users of this website understand that the purpose of this website is not to prescribe or provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Users understand that this information is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals. If the user is under the care of a healthcare professional or currently uses prescription medications, the user should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplements use with his or her doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting his or her doctor.